Step Two

Step Two 

It’s difficult to reach up your hands to Heaven and then doubt His willingness to reach into your life.”

“Our Father in Heaven, [Praise and worship] be [to] your name…”

In Luke 11:2-4, the Lord Jesus Christ teaches us how to pray. Step one: give God his place. Step two: give Him worship and praise, “Hallowed be your name…”

In other words, once you have established the connection, once you have acknowledged God as your Father, and once you have established the bottom line that He reins… WORSHIP!

The Lord’s Prayer headlines every possible and difficult scenario in life:

Asking for His will to be made manifest

Asking for your needs to be met

Asking for forgiveness

Asking for the strength to forgive

Asking to be led

Asking to be delivered from evil

All of the above flow easily in an atmosphere of worship.

It’s difficult to reach up your hands to Heaven and then doubt His willingness to reach into your life. It’s foolish to tell God that you love Him and then doubt Him. It’s contradictory to give Him His place and then doubt His power in your life.

Believe He is who He said He is and worship Him like you believe it’s true and the rest is a sure thing!


Worship isn’t an add on; worship empowers you to move on