The Power of Posture
Having Good Posture:
Prevents fatigue - Muscles distribute stress more efficiently, resultantly utilising less energy for structural integrity.
Prevents strain - Repeatedly using muscle groups to support bad posture (e.g. when walking, sitting or lifting) can result in repetitive strain related issues due to the unevenly distributed work-load.
Prevents pain - Correcting one's posture will prevent pain by ensuring no muscular imbalances cause structural injuries in the first place!
Prevents insecurity - Adjusting one's physical demeanour in a positive way will have a correlating benefit to your mental attitude.
When you try to convey to someone that you are confident, yet your posture is poor (slouching, head tilted down), your body language literally supersedes what you are saying and lets others know that you are lacking confidence. If you are not confident enough to stand well (shoulders straight, head up looking forward), your body is apologising for you, even before you have said a word.
Tips to Reclaim Good Posture:
1) Several times a day, stand with your back and head flat against a wall looking straight ahead. Hold this position for 30 seconds. Doing this simple exercise regularly will start to train your body as well as your mind to adopt good posture naturally. A little a lot makes a big difference.
2) When you get into the driver's seat of your car, sit up straight, then adjust your rear view mirror so that you can see through it clearly. Chances are, after a few minutes driving, when you look in the rear view mirror, you will be looking at the roof of the car. Yes, you have slouched! Do not adjust your mirror, adjust your posture!
3) Practice good posture in "real world" scenarios such as standing at the bus stop, walking down the street, walking through your office, or even up the supermarket aisle. It will feel unnatural at the beginning. You might even feel self-conscious with the voice inside your head telling your that you are trying to draw attention to yourself. Do not be put-off. If you persist, your structural composition will soon revert to your new postural positioning as the muscle memory of your disciplined posture correction kicks in, so stay consistent!
All it takes is a little bit of focus and effort so stick at it! Benefits will include a positive impact on: your bodily and mental health; how other people view your confidence; your own self esteem. Stand tall, it's what you were made for!