You're Incredible
The sun is 149.6 million kilometres from Earth, on which there are 8.7 million species of animal and around 7.4 billion humans.
These are very impressive statistics, but when you read them it would be only too easy to feel insignificant and small. Everyday life can make you feel the same way.
Everybody else seems to be in control.
Everybody else seems to have someone or something good in their lives.
Everybody else seems to be achieving, moving forward with their goals and objectives.
Whatever your circumstances, whatever has gone wrong in your life, whatever has happened to make you feel insignificant, it is vital that you understand just how special you really are.
The statistics quoted above are impressive, but did you know that an averaged sized person (around 70kg) is made up of seven billion billion billion carbon atoms. That's 7 x 10 to the power of 27 or 7 followed by 27 zeros:
27, 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000.
Did you know that the minimum number of neural connections in the human brain (your brain), is at least 1000 times the number of stars in our galaxy. That's somewhere in the region of 100 trillion.
Don't be fooled, everything about you is incredible. Your potential is enormous. Don't give up on yourself and certainly do not give up on life. The very complexity of your physiological construction is more than enough reason to confirm that you must value yourself and be thankful for the gift of life.