Beyond the Point!

Daniel – he was spied on, hated, betrayed and thrown into a lions den. Yet, he was never beyond the point of no return!

Joseph – he lost his family, lost his liberty, lost his reputation and seemed to have lost his only hope. Yet, he was never beyond the point of no return!

Bartimaeus – born blind, considered worthless, hopeless and a social outcast. Yet, he was never beyond the point of no return!

Peter – made every mistake he thought he would never make and made the biggest mistake a man could ever make; denying Jesus. Yet, was never beyond the point of no return!

A thief – lived a life of crime, was caught, convicted, brutalised, crucified and hung dying beside the Lord Jesus Christ. Yet, he was never beyond the point of no return!

Each of these men faced the impossible. Their worst fears came true and the worst-case scenario came knocking at their door. Yet despite everything, they were never beyond God’s sovereign reach and influence. Every one of them experienced deliverance and victory.

The word for you today is crystal clear: no matter what mess you have found yourself in, whatever troubles you are facing or bad decisions you have made, you are not beyond God’s love and power to deliver you and turn things around for you.