God’s Mental Health Plan
Satan’s plan is to fill your head with tomorrow’s problems so that you stumble over today’s decisions.
If Satan can get you worrying, he can stop you working, which will bring your worst fears to pass.
If Satan can get you distracted with what might happen, he can stop you from getting on with what needs to happen.
It is harder for Satan to stop a Christian who is positive, busy and on the move. It is far easier for him if he can freeze or numb you into inaction. His plan is to steal your peace and keep your head spinning so that there is a lot of activity but no progress.
Proverbs 3:5-6 tells us to:
“Trust in the LORD with all your heart; and don’t depend on your own understanding. In all your ways (plans, challenges and circumstances) acknowledge Him, and He will direct (perfectly intervene bringing about the best possible result) every area of your life.”
So God’s word for you today is: get on with the “now” because that is the very thing God will use to move you forward. Keep close to God believing that everything will work out for you, as long as you keep working at everything in front of you.
Read: Psalms 32:8; 20:6-8; 18:32